Apologetics for the Masses #369 - Questions and Answers
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Answers to Some Questions I've Received...
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General Comments
Hey folks,
I hope all of you are surviving the Wuhan flu and that this pestilence hasn't resulted in too much harm to you and your family by way of either illness or economics. We've been praying for all of you and I would ask that you keep all of your fellow subscribers to Apologetics for the Masses, and their families, on your prayer list.
This week I am going to take a few of the questions that have been sent to me via email that I think might be of general interest to all, or most all, of you newsletter subscribers and just do a little Q&A session.
Question; Reid H., in Dallas:
"John…What would be your recommended “boot camp” to listen to / read if I wanted basic information to gently (or not so gently) argue why Catholicism is IT, with a Protestant friend (5 point Calvinist no-less / highly reformed) who thinks Catholicism is doomed. Maybe too tough a question, but wonder what you might suggest as a starter?"
My Answer
1) Always, always, always go to the "Newsletter" page of my website, and do a search on whatever topic you are interested in to see if I have done a newsletter on that topic. That's the first place to go. In this instance you would want to do a search on Calvinism, or irresistible grace, or predestination. But, it just so happens, that I have not done a whole newsletter on Calvinism and predestination (I've touched on it in a few) so my Newsletter page will not offer that much help on this particular topic. But, on the part of your question about Catholicism being "IT," you need to get the free CD I have, or listen to the free download, titled: "One Church." That uses the Bible to draw a path that leads straight to the Catholic Church.
2) The 2nd place to always check is Catholic Answers' website: www.catholic.com. Type those particular words into their Search engine and you will have both written and audio resources pop up. I always prefer written resources so that I can print them out, mark them up, and file them under the appropriate topic. But, a lot of folks prefer the audio. Either way, catholic.com will have a lot of what you are looking for.
3) You need to also go to: www.newadvent.org and check out the Catholic Encyclopedia there. Same thing as with the other two - look up the pertinent terms and go from there.
4) When talking to Calvinists, I like to particularly bring up 3 Scripture verses:
a) 1 Tim 2:4 - "[God] desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." Well, if God's will absolutely trumps man's will in each individual's life, as Calvinism teaches, then everyone is saved, because it is apparent from this verse that God's will is for "ALL" men to be saved; therefore, all men must be saved. Ask your friend if he thinks all men are saved. When he says, "No," ask him how that is possible if God wants all men to be saved? Doesn't God's will override man's will?
b) Luke 7:30 - "...but the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the purpose of God for themselves, not having been baptized by [John the Baptist]." How is it, if man does not have free will, and God's will triumphs over each individual's will - according to Calvinism - that the Pharisees and lawyers could have rejected God's purpose for them? God wanted them to be baptized by John, but they weren't.
c) Luke 13:3,5 - "I tell you, 'No;' but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Why would Jesus tell these people that "unless you repent," when it has already been determined, according to Calvinism, as to whether or not they will repent. Jesus is acting as if they have free will in such a way as to be a factor in determining their fates. Calvinism says, "No you don't!"
Question; James C.
God has, in essence, predestined all to be conformed to the image of His Son. That is why Scripture says, "[God] desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth," (1 Tim 2:4). We are all predestined for Heaven. That is why God made us - to be with Him forever. However, Scripture also recognizes that there are those who, because of free will, will reject the will of God for their lives and thus reject the predestination of God. We see this, for example, in Luke 7:30, "...but the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the purpose of God for themselves, not having been baptized by [John the Baptist]." They rejected God's purpose, or God's will, for themselves. They can't do that unless they have free will.
So, predestination does not mean we have no choice in the matter, it simply means it is God's purpose for our lives, but He allows us to reject that purpose. (This answer can obviously also be used in conjunction with the information in the answer to the previous question.)
Good day, sir. The first time I tried to convinced my Mom to support the BCS, she basically said evangelization, or whatever, is up to a priest. Please what should I do if this happens again?
My Answer
Victor, first thing you do is ask your mother this: "Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God and that we, as Catholics, should follow and practice what the Bible tells us?" Hopefully she will say, "Yes." Then, you can take her to 1 Peter 3:15 and read this to her: "Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you..." And say to her, "The Word of God is telling us we must be prepared to answer those who question us about our faith. In other words, it is telling us that we must be ready to evangelize." Tell her that 1 Timothy 2:4 says that God wants all men to be saved. Can the priests talk to all men? No! Which means it is up to the laity to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to those around us. If we are to truly love our neighbor, then we need to do what we can - big or small - to bring them to Jesus Christ. Vatican Council II says it is the work of the laity - men and women - to bring the Gospel to those in the world.
So, whether or not she wants to support the Bible Christian Society is not really the concern here, it is the fact that she needs to realize that by planting a seed or two - by the grace of the Holy Spirit - with a family member, or a friend, or a neighbor, she could have an impact on their eternal destination. And, if she wants to learn how to do that, she can come to the Bible Christian Society and make use of all of our free resources, whether she decides to support us or not. The first, and most important, thing, is to be prepared as the Word of God tells us.
Closing Comments
I hope all of you have a great week! Please keep the Bible Christian Society in your prayers. We're working on a new website and some other projects. All of which will, hopefully, produce much good fruit.
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