Apologetics for the Masses - Issue #18-A
General Comments
Hey folks,
I’m calling this Issue #18-A because this is not the regular weekly newsletter – that should be out on Thursday or Friday. In it, since Todd has not answered me – and I don’t expect that he will – I’m going to be talking about how I would respond to the information he put out there about the Pope and No Salvation Outside the Church. The information that I refused to respond to until he answered my questions. I had a whole bunch of you write to ask me how I would have responded to what he said, so I will give it to you as I would give it to him, should he ever respond to my questions first. As they say…your wish is my command.
Also, if not next week, then soon, I will be responding to another question I’ve received from a number of you, which is in regards to the whole thing about the Catholic Church being the Whore of Babylon from Revelation 17. So be looking for that in the not-too-distant future.
But, what I want to do here is give you something that will hopefully be of value to you and then I want to ask for you for $0.10…that’s right, ten cents.
First, I wanted to let you know about a few things that may be of value to you:
1) In case you were not already aware of them, there are 3 relatively new downloads available at our website (www.biblechristiansociety.com). They are:
a) Debate: Sola Fide (Are We Saved by Faith Alone?); b) 2-Minute Apologetics; and c) Which Came First, the Church or the Bible?
2) Let me tell you about Miss Annette’s absolutely incredible framed crucifixes! I gave a talk in Lafayette, LA, a couple of years ago. The talk was at a fundraising banquet for a misison in Haiti. When I arrived at the banquet site, I was absolutely stunned by the most beautiful framed crucifixes you can imagine. Each table had a unique framed crucifix, because they are all one-of-a-kind, individually made, by hand, by Miss Annette Simon.
If you want to do some early Christmas shopping, or if you have a loved one’s birthday coming up…you need to check out these crucifixes. I’ve bought four of them…two for us, and one each for my mom and my wife’s mom. Check out the website: www.goodinspirationcrosses.com. And, remember, as good as the crosses look on the website, they are even more beautiful when they are right in front of you. Prices range from $39 into the hundreds, depending on the size and the intricacy of the design. If you don’t see something you like (they don’t put everything they make up on the website), send them an email and ask them if they have anything else available. And, check back every so often because as one original design sells, another is put up.
3) Lastly, I wanted to let you know that I’ve put up a few new links on my website, including one that helps you out if you ever have a question about the Greek or the Hebrew words behind the text of your Bible. Check them out when you get a chance.
Now, about that dime. If you regularly contribute to church and charity, would you please consider making the Bible Christian Society one of the charities you contribute to, if you haven’t already? And, if you don’t regularly contribute to church and charity, would you consider doing so?
But, I only want you to invest in our efforts if you have enjoyed and benefitted from these newsletters. If you didn’t like them, or didn’t really learn anything from them, then please disregard my request.
If you did like them, and if you did learn from them and maybe even shared them with others, then could you spare $0.10 a day to support what we’re doing? That’s all I’m asking for…$0.10 a day…$3 a month…$36 a year.
This work that I do here at the Bible Christian Society is what I do to earn a living and put bread on my family’s table and keep a roof over their head. (By the way, did I mention that I have 4 small children? :-) ) So, I’m just asking everyone who believes they have received something worthwhile from me, to invest in what I’m doing so that I can keep doing it.
About 10% of the folks who receive this newsletter have given of their financial resources to support this apostolate, and I greatly appreciate that. If I could bump that up to 50%, then we could do a number of things to expand the reach and the evangelization projects of the Bible Christian Society.
I’ve decided to send out an appeal like this twice a year, the next one will be right after Thanksgiving. So, if you could donate $18 now, and maybe $18 then, or whatever amount…$5 or $50…if 1 out of 2 of you reading this can do something, if you haven’t already, then I wouldn’t have to worry about a second job and how I’m going to pay for medical insurance and the like, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, I would be able to devote 100% of my time to the apologetics and evangelization work that we do around here.
So, basically, I’m asking that if you give to charity, and if you think the newsletters you’ve been receiving have value, then please invest in the evangelization efforts of this organization so that we can reach even more folks and develop even more materials. Ten cents a day…
You can donate online at www.biblechristiansociety.com/donations.php
. Or you can simply mail a check to:
Bible Christian Society
P.O. Box 424
Pleasant Grove, AL 35127.
The Bible Christian Society is a non-profit, 501©(3) corporation. All donations to the Bible Christian Society are 100% tax-deductible.
Thank you, and God bless you!
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