Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you.
1 Peter 3:15
Apologetics for the Masses E-Newsletter
This E-Newsletter has actual apologetics exchanges that I have engaged in or am engaging in. You see the questions asked, and the comments made, by non-Catholics about all the various aspects of the Catholic Faith, and you will not only be able to read my responses, you are also given the strategies behind what I say and why. Strategies that you can use to engage in apologetics discussions with the folks you come in contact with. To read any of the old issues, just click on the links below.
Past Newsletters
A post on Baptism, vis-a-vis salvation, that was on the Protestant Facebook page, "Advanced Apologetics".
Apologetics for the Masses #505 - (Analysis of) A Conversation With An Atheist (Part 3)Pointing out the contradictions in the responses I received in my conversation with a person who, is, essentially, an atheist in practice.
Apologetics for the Masses #504 - A Conversation With An Atheist - Or So I Thought (Part 2)Continuing a conversation with a person who is not a pure atheist, but is, essentially, an atheist in practice.
An Atheist Asked Me Why I Believe in God. Here's What Followed...
Apologetics for the Masses #502 - What the Heck is Papal Indefectibility? (Dave's Response)Dave Armstrong Responds to My Last Newsletter on Papal Indefectibility
Apologetics for the Masses #501 - What the Heck is Papal Indefectibility?Can the Pope be a heretic?
Apologetics for the Masses #500 - Q & A From My Facebook PageTen Questions and Answers on various topics related to the Faith.
Apologetics for the Masses #499 - A Facebook Conversation w/Anti-Catholic Protestants (Part 2)An Analysis of a Subscriber's Facebook Interaction With Some Anti-Catholic Protestants
Apologetics for the Masses - Evangelization...It's What We Do!Equipping the faithful to fight the good fight!
Apologetics for the Masses #498 - A Facebook Conversation w/Anti-Catholic ProtestantsAn Analysis of a Subscriber's Facebook Interaction With Some Anti-Catholic Protestants
Apologetics for the Masses #497 - Do Muslims and Catholics Worship the Same God? (Part 2)Do Muslims Worship the Same God as Catholics? Responses to comments...
Apologetics for the Masses #496 - Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?Do Muslims Worship the Same God as Christians?
Apologetics for the Masses #495 - Forgiveness Without Repentance? (Part 2)Responses to my newsletter on whether or not we have to forgive others unconditionally.
Apologetics for the Masses #494 - Do We Have to Forgive Others Even If They Don't Repent?What all is involved in "forgiving" someone?
Apologetics for the Masses #493 - Does the Word, "Until", Prove Mary Was Not a Perpetual Virgin?Does Matthew 1:25 "prove" that Mary was not a perpetual virgin?
Apologetics for the Masses #492 - Catholic Voting PrinciplesCatholic Voting Principles
Apologetics for the Masses #491 - A Modernist Opinion of Nuns in HabitsOf nuns, habits, chainsaws, and why the combination is less than 'nuntastic'.
Apologetics for the Masses #490 - The Modernist Response to the Eucharistic CongressHere are some Facebook postings of Catholic Modernists (aka liberals/heterodox) responding to the recent Eucharistic Congress
Apologetics for the Masses #489 - A Mean and Judgmental, but Open-Minded and Tolerant, CatholicA look at the writings of, and a conversation (of sorts) with, another heterodox (aka liberal) Catholic.
Apologetics for the Masses #488 - Liberal/Heterodox Catholics (aka Modernists)A conversation (sort of) with a Modernist.
Apologetics for the Masses #487 - Do's and Don'ts for Evangelization via Facebook/EmailDo's and Don'ts for Evangelizing on Facebook or via Email Dialogues
Apologetics for the Masses #486 - Can We Have a "Reasonable Hope" That No One is in Hell?Can we - should we - hope, as both Pope Francis and Bishop Robert Barron have expressed, that there are no souls in Hell?
Apologetics for the Masses #485 - The Anti-Catholicism of Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor, 1st Baptist Church of DallasResponding to a "weekly devotion" of Dr. Jeffress that is surreptitiously anti-Catholic
Apologetics for the Masses #484 - The TrinityScriptural Evidence for the Trinity
Apologetics for the Masses #483 - Outside the Church There is No SalvationCan a person be saved if they are not Catholic?
Apologetics for the Masses #482-AA Worthwhile Investment
Apologetics for the Masses #482 - ExCatholic4Christ asks: Why So Many Catholic Catechisms?ExCatholic4Christ says the existence of numerous different catechisms means the Church has changed its teachings over time.
Apologetics for the Masses #481 - Should Christians Pray to Mary?My response to a short treatise, with that title, that was mailed to me by a Protestant
Apologetics for the Masses #480 - A Protestant Replies to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book (Chapter 4)A Protestant - ExCatholic4Christ - Is Doing a 42-Part Response to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book
Apologetics for the Masses #479 - A Protestant Replies to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book (Part 3)A Protestant - ExCatholic4Christ - Is Doing a 42-Part Response to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book
An Open Letter on the Upcoming BiMillennium of the Catholic ChurchThe Catholic Church will be 2000-years old in 2033
Apologetics for the Masses #478 - A Protestant Replies to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book (Part 2)A Protestant - ExCatholic4Christ - Is Doing a 42-Part Response to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book
Apologetics for the Masses #477 - A Protestant Replies to My Blue Collar Apologetics BookA Protestant - ExCatholic4Christ - Is Doing a 42-Part Response to My Blue Collar Apologetics Book
Apologetics for the Masses #476 - The Right Division of Scripture, Part 4The Right Division of Scripture - 2 Tim 2:15 (KJV)
Apologetics for the Masses #475 - The Right Division of Scripture, Part 3The Right Division of Scripture - 2 Tim 2:15 (KJV)
Apologetics for the Masses #474 - The Right Division of Scripture, Part 2The Right Division of Scripture - 2 Tim 2:15 (KJV)
Apologetics for the Masses #473 - The Right Division of ScriptureThe Right Division of Scripture - A Challenge to My Eight Questions
Apologetics for the Masses #472 - Eight Questions From A Protestant MinisterHere are 8 questions sent to me by a Catholic friend that he had received from a Protestant Minister - and my 8 questions in response.
Apologetics for the Masses #471 - In Vitro Fertilization, Donald Trump, the Alabama Supreme Court, and Catholic TeachingAll about the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on in vitro fertilization and how the media, and Donald Trump, and President Biden, are getting it wrong.
Apologetics for the Masses #470 - The Revolve Bible Church and Mike Gendron's Viral Anti-Catholic VideoA Letter to the Pastor Whose Church Posted Mike Gendron's Viral Anti-Catholic Video
Apologetics for the Masses #469 - Pope Francis, Bp. Strickland, Papal Indefectibility, and...Dave Armstrong (Part 4)Papal Indefectibility...and why I believe Dave Armstrong was wrong about Bp. Strickland
Apologetics for the Masses #468 - Fiducia Supplicans, Pope Francis, Bp. Strickland and...Dave Armstrong (Part 3)Fiducia Supplicans this week; Papal Indefectibility/Infallibility next week
Apologetics for the Masses #467 - Pope Francis, Bp. Strickland, Papal Indefectibility, and...Dave Armstrong (Part 2)Fiducia Supplicans and Papal Indefectibility/Infallibility
Apologetics for the Masses #466 - Pope Francis, Bp. Strickland, Papal Indefectibility, and...Dave ArmstrongIs Pope Francis a heretic? Is Bp. Strickland a heretic? What's up w/Dave Armstrong?
Apologetics for the Masses #465 - Email to the Pastor of Revolve Bible ChurchA Letter to the Pastor of the church where Mike Gendron's Anti-Catholic YouTube Video was recorded
Apologetics for the Masses - One QuestionCan you give me some feedback?
Apologetics for the Masses #464 - OSAS Protestants Contradicting Each Other on YouTubeThree Protestants Highlight the Contradictions Within Protestantism
Apologetics for the Masses #463 - The Bible and the Catholic ChurchThe Catholic Church Put It's Teaching "Into" the Bible?
Apologetics for the Masses #462 - The #1 Attitude Necessary for EvangelizationThe #1 Attitude Necessary for Evangelization
Apologetics for the Masses #461 - Mike Gendron's Anti-Catholic Video Eviscerated; Part 7Taking apart Mike Gendron's Anti-Catholic Viral Video...Piece-By-Piece